Friday, April 1, 2011

A Fresh Flow if the Anointing

With the excitement of a fresh flow of the anointing that we have been experiencing in our services, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit to make sure we have clear understanding, and instruction, for a key part of a word that we received from 2 Chronicles 20.

Today is the tomorrow of yesterday. And we are to go out tomorrow (now today) and face the battle, the enemy, opposition, and challenges of life with these directives. 

 We are to face our battles knowing these things: 

* Don't allow the threats of the enemy or life cause us to fear, worry, doubt, complain or give up. 

* Seek God (add fasting if needed). 

* Remember God is with us.

* We are God's people (His children) continue...

* Don't lean to our own understanding, but look to God for the answers.

* Believe the word of the Lord and believe His servants (that means something may come your way that will try to get you to doubt or question) but keeping believing God.

* We are to stand in praise and God will fight on our behalf.

* As we praise Him in the midst of facing the enemy, in the midst of fear, worry, discouragement ~ God will set ambush against our enemy.
(meaning what the enemy thinks he will accomplish against us, God will turn around in our favor. The enemy may think he's going to win, but God is going to cause us to win. We may face some things that look like defeat, but we will not be defeated and we will not quit. We will keep our praise, because Victory is Ours.

*Having a spirit of praise (thanksgiving for the desired outcome) will enable us to come through to our victory and then the 3 days following the facing of our enemy and battle, we will grab hold to, receive, reap the benefits, blessings,  manifestation, rewards from our battle.

*Stay encouraged...encourage one another.. The Battle is the Lord's but the Victory is ours and so are the spoils, rewards, and harvest.

*Keep speaking the Word of God and the Prophetic Words that have been given to you.

Remember: Victory only comes from a battle, opposition, challenge or contest, so don't be troubled by opposition or an enemy coming to challenge you ~ just remember Victory is yours...

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