Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year with New Mercy, New Grace, New Hope, New Beginnings and New Opportunities

It's a New Year with New Mercy, New Grace, New Hope, New Beginnings and New Opportunities.

We are going to get the best out of this year and be the blessed that we can be this year. As we prepare for the best and most blessed, we must start by honoring and thanking God for allowing us to make it to this point in time. And because we know God has greater and better for us, we dedicate ourselves anew to Him and commit to follow Jesus (Yeshua) more closely this year.

As we deepen our commitment to Father God, we endeavor to seek the Lord Jesus more diligently and please Him more frequently. Therefore, we at The Master's Ministry enter into 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting along with preparing, dedicating and then giving First Fruits of our time and our money unto the Lord.

Now, for those of you who are not familiar with giving your firsts fruits offering, it is a biblical example that started in the first book of the bible, Genesis, with the first family. God required them (and us) to give Him the first part, or portion of what we receive. Yes, that is also what the tithe is as well; (the tithe is at least 10% of whatever you receive monetarily); however at the beginning of new years, new moves, new things, harvest time, the people also gave above the amount that was normally given for a tithe.

Most of the time they gave the entire first thing they received. For example, when they would win a battle, many times God would require them to give all of the spoil or treasury, cattle, food, etc of what was won in the battle. In so doing, that enabled God to be apart of whatever they were doing and desired to receive. God would receive their gift, sanctify it and then bless them to continue to receive and even increase them to have more coming to them. When there are so many cut backs and shortages, don't we want Father God to bless and multiply our money in 2011?

Then purpose in your heart what your first fruits offering should be. Remember, we do not give to God leftovers, but the first, best of what you first receive in the New Year. Some people give the whole first paycheck, first week, and first month paycheck of the New Year or more. If you are not sure of an amount, think about the amount you estimate to have come in the first month or pray and ask God what amount you should give.

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