Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dare to Believe

Yehovah, (which is the correct spelling for Jehovah), is really encouraging us to increase our training, studying, praying and seeking of Him so that our minds can be renewed and expanded, our thoughts be elevated, our prayers be answered and our confessions be manifested.

The 2 main things in this season that hinder our ability to see the manifestations that we want to see are
1. Lack of knowledge
2. Lack of or limited believing
God has so much available for us. The bible says stored up or laid up for us, but don't be mistaken, it's not just for us when we get to heaven, yes, there will be rewards that we will receive in heaven because of our obedience and faithfulness; however, there are multitude of things that have been stored up for us to retrieve now.

Proverbs 13:22 says, "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."
Notice it said that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. Well, we know that can't mean laid up in heaven because we won't need money in heaven; we need it on the earth. So, it is on the earth while we are here that God wants to bless us with the wealth. But it's not just for us to have it and buy all of our hearts desires and that's all. We can buy things we want and desire, but that's not why God wants to bless us with the wealth.